Acoustics Over time we lost the ability to listen

For thousands of years, human hearing has been developed in accordance with an external environment, free of unnatural sound and independent of acoustics. Evolution has kept us away from nature and sounds like flowing streams and bird chirping have been replaced by unnatural sound returns, for example machines and devices; Such as air conditioning, printers and telephones.

This unnatural sound environment not only interferes with our hearing and communication, it also affects our well-being and performance. Acoustics or lack of acoustics is the main factor.

Today, almost 90% of our time we spend at home, at the office or traveling to our workplace. Think about it – how many hours do you spend at home on a normal day? How do you perceive the acoustical environment in its external place compared to the office?

In order to improve the indoor acoustic environment we must aspire to resemble the natural external acoustic environment by using the Acoustima® company panels!

Listen to the lecture from the TED conference on the short 10 minutes video below,

A must for every architect and designer to see:

Julian Treasure: Why architects need to use their ears