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    Acoustic panel prices

    Product Description :

    The “baffle”, which is a different application in acoustic floating ceiling systems, is covered with both sides of fabric and hanging with the suspension apparatus in the desired length.

    In this respect, it is the improvement of the interior mechanics and the decorative acoustic solution by providing the dull damping reflected on the ceiling surfaces. The baffle panel mounted on a string and exposed to the double side of the room, the baffle panel is one of the most effective ways to reduce echo and noise.

    The baffle panel can be use in Multipurpose rooms and large areas which needed to be reduce from echoing of extreme sound waves such as industrial facilities, sports halls, stadiums, concert halls. Special thicknesses from 20mm to 50mm and surface and color options from 15mmx30mm to 60cmx240cm and 120cmx240cm in custom sizes. All headings have a suspension system kit for easy installation.

    You can create a unique ceiling design with various heights by customizing the height using the hangers of the suspension system kit.

    Acoustics in swimming pool

    Acoustics in swimming pool

    Swimming Pools have one of the most difficult of environments to treat acoustically.  With hard tiled surfaces surrounding the pool mixed with the sound of people swimming, playing and shouting the noise can reach extreme levels.  Instructors of swimming lessons would find teaching very difficult alongside the poor swimming pool acoustics and the serious problem existed of misunderstanding the public address system announcements and instructions in the event of an emergency. Swimming pools & leisure centres should provide an acoustic environment that allows people to enjoy their leisure time in peace, within a safe environment regarding humidity moderator.

    Controlling Swimming Pool Acoustics

    The goal with your soundproofing treatment is to improve the sound quality by lowering your level of ambient echo. By reducing your background noise, you raise greater clarity to original sound and produce a more user-friendly swimming environment.   This is accomplished by introducing a set of sound panels for swimming pool acoustics that can effectively combine to capture and convert the unwanted echoes out of your room and deliver back the sound values you are seeking. Acoustic baffles can be wall or ceiling mounted inside your space.

    A Noise Reduction Coefficient is an average rating of how much sound an acoustic product can absorb. (How much quieter a product can make your space.) Like a sponge absorbs water, an acoustic product absorbs sound and the NRC tells us just how much sound those products can soak up.

    The Scale

    NRC ratings range from 0 to 1. An NRC of 0 means that the product absorbs no sound. An NRC of 1 means that the product absorbs all sound. The higher the NRC, the better the product is at soaking up sound

    The thickness and density of a product are two factors in calculating a Noise Reduction Coefficient. An acoustic product with a .95 NRC rating means that 95% of sound in the space is absorbed, while the other 5% is reflected.

    The acoustic panels with insulation materials which used within the construction structure are the ideal solution for absorbing sound in areas with large volumes such as swimming pools.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® has different types, shapes and colors of acoustic panels which are suitable for the swimming pool environment, These panels are used for both   noise reduction and moisture resistance.

    An attractive, seamless, spray applied acoustic finish with a medium textured acoustic finish available in standard and custom colours.

    Acoustic ceiling spray ideal for use in offices, sports halls, public spaces, auditoria, classrooms, theatres etc.

    Acoustics in sports halls

    Acoustics in sports halls

    Indoor sports halls and gymnasia differ substantially from other secondary rooms in that they are very much larger spaces intended in general for teaching groups of active students. As a result, they have a dramatically different acoustic environment. Sports halls are rated as the most difficult learning space to hear in.   Although design criteria for the acoustics of indoor sports halls and gymnasia are part of current building regulations, in practice it has been difficult for designers to achieve these standards. Sports Facilities such as sports halls and gymnasiums are large open spaces built to withstand years of use for a variety of sports. They are built with hard wall, floor and ceiling surfaces making them particularly poor acoustically. These spaces are often used for a variety of activities making their acoustic performance important in order to facilitate clear communication and provide an enjoyable atmosphere whether the activity is a school assembly or one of the many sports which are carried out in these environments.

    Sports hall acoustics are typically reverberant due to a combination of large areas of hard block walls, corrugated steel ceilings and wooden floors along with high ceilings.  To control a sports halls acoustics, a large amount of acoustically absorptive material has to be applied around the hall.  A spray-on material has a distinct advantage over acoustic panels in this situation.

    An important term we should talk about here is ‘’ reverberation time’’ Reverberation time: is the time required for the sound to “fade away” or decay in a closed space. Sound in a room will repeatedly bounce off surfaces such as the floor, walls, ceiling, windows or tables.

    When these reflections mix, a phenomeon known as reverberation is created. Reverberation reduces when the reflections hit surfaces that can absorb sound such as curtains, chairs and even people.

    For newly built sports halls reverberation time must not exceed 1.5 seconds (or 2.0 seconds if 280-530 m2).

    For refurbished sports halls, reverberation time must not exceed 2.0 seconds, regardless of size.

    Reflection and Sound Absorption

    Once emitted from a source, sound waves in hall travel through the air until they reach a boundary surface or other obstacle. When a sound wave reaches a surface it will be partly reflected off the surface back into the hall and continue travelling in a new direction, and it will be partly absorbed by the surface with the absorbed energy being dissipated as heat. Sports facilities are particularly problematic when it comes to echo and reverberation due to the hard wall, floor and ceiling surfaces which are required to withstand years of use from sporting activities.

    With the soft, absorptive core sitting flush against the walls of sports halls and the panels having a naked backing, they are fully impact resistant and ideal for sports halls and gymnasiums with high impact activities. The benefit of this solution is that you are able to choose almost any fabric you want to wrap the core with – giving you more design flexibility.

    Acoustic solutions for sports halls by using Acoustic panels Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey®  are sound absorbing panels that are hung on a wall or ceiling to control and reduce noise, eliminate slap echo in a room. The objective is to enhance the properties of sound by improving sound quality and soundproofing which concludes any means of reducing the sound pressure with respect to a specified sound source and receptor.

    These sound absorbing panels come in a large variety of sizes, types and colours to meet your design, budgetary, and durability requirements.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® timber acoustic panels provide an ideal solution to noise control in sports halls due to their ability to withstand high impact and resist damage. They can be easily installed to both wall and ceiling surfaces.

    The panels come in a range of colours, making it easy to match the colour scheme of different sports halls and gymnasiums.

    Acoustics solution in sports halls aim to facilitate good speech intelligibility and speaking conditions in teaching spaces, and to prevent interference by noise with study activities.

    There is also a health and safety benefit with the Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® -Panels as well, providing prevention of injuries from impact against walls during sport.

    How to calculate acoustic value in a building

    How to calculate acoustic value in a building

    In addition to providing insulation and acting as a substrate for roofing, in many situations roof insulations also need to provide noise reducing characteristics. Building constructions near airports or other high noise areas require noise reduction principles to be employed. Today, the noise reduction properties of roof insulation must be known to properly design structures in high noise areas. Designing constructions to control noise requires, at a minimum, a basic understanding of terms and methods used to develop design values for various constructions. Sound travels through a building component because it sets up vibrations in that component. Almost all building materials are sufficiently elastic to transmit sound. Therefore, almost all building materials can be set into motion by sound waves impinging upon them. Once construction is set into vibration, it will transmit sound from the source through the construction and the sound will be heard on the opposite side of the construction. The result is sound transmission through construction. Sound travels through a building component because it sets up vibrations in that component. Almost all building materials are sufficiently elastic to transmit sound. Therefore, almost all building materials can be set into motion by sound waves impinging upon them. Once construction is set into vibration, it will transmit sound from the source through the construction and the sound will be heard on the opposite side of the construction. The result is sound transmission through construction. The ability of a construction to transmit sound is dependent upon its mass. The higher it’s mass, the more it is resistant to vibration caused by sound. If the mass were extremely small, even faint sound pressure could move it and thus transmit sound.

    In addition to mass, numerous other factors must be considered in proper sound control design. Such factors include background noise level, and transmission through floors, walls and penetrations through the construction (which also includes insulation joints). An acoustical engineer should be consulted when dealing with acoustical design.

    Acoustical terms that are important to know before calculating acoustic values:

    • Sound Pressure Level:

    When it comes down to it, your ears are pretty amazing. They allow you to hear sounds as quiet as a whisper and as loud as a jet engine. How exactly do sound waves get transmitted to your ears so that you can hear?

    It starts with a vibration in the air. A whisper only vibrates the air a little bit, while a jet engine vibrates it A LOT. This vibration creates a pressure wave that passes through the air, spreading out in all directions as it goes. Sound pressure is the pressure measured within the wave relative to the surrounding air pressure. Loud sounds produce sound waves with relatively large sound pressures, while quiet sounds produce sound waves with relatively small sound pressures.

    Sound pressure, like other kinds of pressure, is commonly measured in units of Pascals (Pa). The quietest sound that most people can hear has a sound pressure of 2 x 10-5 Pa, so this pressure is called the threshold of human hearing.

    • An audio frequency or audible frequency:

     is a periodic vibration whose frequency is in the band audible to the average human. The SI unit of audio frequency is the hertz (Hz). It is the property of sound that most determines pitch. The generally accepted standard range of audible frequencies for humans is 20 to 20,000 Hz, although the range of frequencies individuals hear is greatly influenced by environmental factors. In air at atmospheric pressure, these represent sound waves with wavelengths of 17 meters (56 ft) to 1.7 centimetres (0.67 in). Frequencies below 20 Hz are generally felt rather than heard, assuming the amplitude of the vibration is great enough. High frequencies are the first to be affected by hearing loss due to age or prolonged exposure to very loud noises.

    • Reverberation time:

    is the time required for the sound to “fade away” or decay in a closed space. Sound in a room will repeatedly bounce off surfaces such as the floor, walls, ceiling, windows or tables. Reverberation is one of the most significant acoustic properties of a room. Knowing the reverberation time is essential in characterizing rooms, be they performance spaces, ordinary rooms or open office spaces.

    The laboratory method to measure acoustical values to use special instruments.

    Also, there are some programs ”acoustics calculator” which provide you with a quick overview of the acoustics in a room. Just type in your room data – measurements and material – and the acoustics calculator generates a precise overview of reverberation time, absorption area as well as other relevant information about acoustics. You can have the report sent to your e-mail or you can print it – either on paper or as a PDF. First select the shape of the room, and second type in length, width, and height. The total area of ceiling, floor, walls, doors and windows is automatically transferred to the further calculation. The total area for doors and windows will automatically be subtracted from the total wall area. Then you can get information about the sound level and its distribution in the building. On the other hand, you can know the exact amount of noise reduction the building needs so that desired special acoustic panels.

    Different collection of acoustic panels for celling, walls, flour, and furniture with changing the materials (foam, fabric, metal, wooden, and plastic), color, and style Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® products are recommended too.

    Innovative acoustic solution

    Innovative acoustic solutions

    Innovative acoustic solutions

    Quality of sound goes down under different conditions in a medium. Due to noise, reflectance, diffusion, and so many kinds of sound characteristics. That needs Innovative acoustic solutions to help enhance sound performance. Which allow us mostly a low cost and comparable differences in speech recognition performance without the use of an amplification system.

    1) Acoustic rooms:

    Complaining about noise in the workplace can seem trivial to some, but excessive or continual sounds can affect the physical and mental health of employees such as (increased risk of accidents, stress, tinnitus, noise-induced hearing loss, and disturbance of speech communication)

    Whether the noise is coming from office machines, chattering co-workers or construction, the effects can lead to an increase in disturbed emotions and a reduction in productivity.

    In huge places like factories and offices in companies, the ability to control noise reaching the worker’s ears is inaccurate because the unwanted sounds come from multiple sources and the ordinary acoustic absorbing panels effect become low.

    To ensure that employees are able to function properly, acoustic engineers improve a very creative solution which is acoustic rooms.

    Acoustic rooms made from special materials which have a high value of sound absorption coefficient.

    2) Multipurpose hall:

    Buildings which need a specific sound performance utilization like opera hall, theatre, cinema, concert, and speech each one needs its own design for structure and added acoustic panels because they differ in their behaviour to sound like reverberation time, clarity, warmness, and other acoustic parameters.

    For profit, utility, efficiency, and of course economy destinations. Multi-purpose hall is designed to reach the perfect sound performance for many implementations. It changes its shape to fit sound conditions that are used for.

    In addition to this acoustic panels can appear/disappear or change its angle to reflect more/fewer acoustic waves due to their necessity.

    3) Ceiling:

    The builders are constantly looking for ways of reducing or eliminating impact noises and airborne noises in their structure. A ceiling acoustic anchoring system is the unique solution where insulators and the ceiling furrings allow the decoupling of the ceiling structure with the gypsum. The mechanical system being equipped with a rubber insert, it absorbs the impact noises and the vibration on the floor above and avoids the vibration noises in the ceiling.

    The distinguish come from the benefits that it includes:

    Fast and easy to install.

    Improved acoustic performance exceeding the highest quality requirements.

    No special tools needed.

    Compatible with all decking types.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® is continuing to pump out innovations. Its latest innovations focus on ease of installation, state-of-theart room design through seamless functional acoustics that can be optimally adapted to requirements.

    Contact us, we’ll be pleased to analyze your plans and advise you on the acoustic solutions that best suit your needs.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® works on acoustic solutions to give listeners a quiet, comfortable place to gratify.

    Acoustics in recording studios

    Acoustics in recording studios

    Acoustics in recording studios

    Recording studios need over quiet to catch the pitch and tone of sound warmly. Absorbers which are materials with a high value of sound absorption coefficient. However, adding these materials randomly is not a good effective solution because every situation needs its own solution. Engineers calculate the exact amount and place of these panels. This step follows measurements and studying the characteristics below:

    • Reflected Sound – Reverberation

    When a sound source ceases in space, the sound waves will continue to reflect off the hard wall, floor and ceiling surfaces until it loses enough energy and dies out. The prolongation of the reflected sound is known as reverberation. Reverberation Time (RT) is the number of seconds it takes for the reverberant sound energy to die down to one millionth (or 60dB) of its original value from the instant that the sound signal ceases.

    Reverberation is dependent only on the volume of a space and the acoustically absorptive quality of the room’s finishes. Hard surfaced rooms will have a longer reverberation time than rooms finished with sound absorbing materials.

    When a sound wave travels outward in all directions and encounters an obstacle such as a wall, floor or ceiling surface the direction of the sound will be changed or reflected. The direction of travel of the reflected sound will be at the same angle as the original sound striking the surface.

    The immediate effect of multiple reflections is an increase in the sound intensity caused by the reflections. A listener will hear the direct sound arriving at the ear along with all of the multiple reflections. Thus the combined loudness of the direct sound and the reflected sound will be greater than the direct sound alone.

    • Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC)

    An NRC of 0 indicates perfect reflection; an NRC of 1 indicates perfect absorption.

    It is the arithmetic average, rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.05, of the absorption coefficients for a specific material and mounting condition determined at the one octave band centre frequencies of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz.

    Absorption coefficients used to calculate NRC are commonly determined in reverberation rooms of qualified acoustical laboratory test facilities.

    NRC is most commonly used to rate general acoustical properties of acoustic ceiling tiles, baffles, and banners, office screens, and acoustic wall panels.

    • Frequency of Sound used in the studio:

    Sound is the quickly varying pressure wave traveling through a medium. When sound travels through air, the atmospheric pressure varies periodically. The number of pressure variations per second is called the frequency of sound and is measured in Hertz (Hz) which is defined as cycles per second.

    The higher the frequency, the more high-pitched a sound is perceived. The sounds produced by drums have much lower frequencies than those produced by a whistle.

    The generally accepted standard range of audible frequencies for humans is 20 to 20,000 Hz.

    The adult male voice has a frequency range of fundamental frequencies from 85Hz to 180Hz.

    The adult female voice has a frequency range of fundamental frequencies from 165Hz to 255Hz.

    The Frequencies of Music are much higher reaches thousands of Hz.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® can work on Acoustics in recording studios by Noise control or noise mitigation which is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the impact of that noise.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® has wide collection of options with variable usage, colours, and models.


    you can see our online catalogue:


    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® has been providing acoustic treatment to soundproofing, noise control, acoustical and vibration problems for over 23 years. Soundproof panels and acoustic materials, almost solving any noise problem including Acoustics in recording studios. Focusing on environmental and architectural acoustics, assuring cost-effective and reliable acoustic solutions for clients.

    Acoustic doors

    Acoustic doors

    Acoustic doors

    Quality of life requires increasingly strict standards; to protect people and/or their environment. One of the problems faced is sounded hustle. That will be annoying and produce noise most times so sound insulation is applied to maximize the acoustic performance.

    In our buildings, while walls block sound waves noise is basically transmitted through doors.

    If doors do not meet the same acoustical requirements as the rest of the room, then the sound will easily pass through it to adjoining spaces. When fitted with the right door and sealing systems, the noise will be contained and controlled.

    An acoustic door is a solid, heavily framed door which most often includes seals around its edges and has insulated construction to reduce noise and vibrations from passing through its surface. Depending on the application and the design. There are many types and grades of acoustic door available for assorted applications and industries.

    These doors can have a variety of purposes, such as enabling confidential discussions to be held inside a room without the risk of those outside overhearing and allowing noisy activities to take place, such as music rehearsals, without nearby rooms and areas of the building being disturbed. Music studios are one environment which typically makes use of acoustic doors. When audio is being recorded it is important that external noises do not interfere with the sound being captured. The control room with producers and engineers inside it needs to be isolated, and each room in the studio must contain its own noise levels successfully to avoid disturbing those in neighbouring rooms. Sound insulation in these settings is not an optional extra, it is absolutely essential for the functionality of the building. In the audio recording industry, the acoustic door serves a special purpose since unwanted noise needs to be avoided in a successful recording session. In a recording studio you may have several rooms or booths that are designed for specific tasks. The studio control room has an acoustic door so the engineer and producer can be isolated from the additional rooms and parts of the studio while allowing these individuals to travel between locations. Sometimes these doors will be transparent containing multi-pane glass panels in the center so that individuals on each side can see each other easily.

    Acoustic doors are vital to properly insulate the sounds inside a room. The combination of the doors’ solid build, their edge seals and the frame, along with the insulated engineering within the body of the door, all contribute to a significant reduction in the vibrations and sound that pass through it. Sometimes an acoustic door is solid steel or wood with an insulated core to achieve maximum quiet when transparency is not necessary. A door of this style is quite often used in an examination room at a doctor’s office where a conversation between the doctor and patient requires total privacy.

    Another logical home for an acoustic door could be a conference room at a corporate office where information concerning product development, human resources or business strategy would be discussed. Counselling centres, police station questioning rooms, and testing facilities or anywhere where privacy and confidentiality are essential, can be included as an application for this type of door. Another work environment where acoustic doors are increasingly commonly used are medical or healthcare premises. When patients talk in confidence to their doctor, nurse or counsellor they have an expectation of privacy and discretion. Compromising this, and their trust in the service or staff they are working with, by having doors which allow sound to penetrate through could have a detrimental impact on their relationship with their physician or healthcare worker, so if they can overhear a doctor’s discussion with another patient through the door, they will have no faith that their own personal conversations and concerns are being kept private.

    Another scenario where acoustic doors can provide considerable benefit is for corporations or businesses who have meetings where sensitive information is discussed. This might include meetings about staffing and human resources, product development, grievance procedures or business strategy; all of which could have a negative effect if overheard. Even if just a snippet leaks out of the room, assumptions can be made and confidences broken, so mitigating against this risk by installing acoustic doors can make situations easier to manage, and keep sensitive information to within the appropriate group of people.

    Factories or businesses which house heavy machinery are also prime candidates for benefiting from an acoustic door. The business owners can promote positive aural health by limiting loud noises to one part of the premises where adequate hearing protection is used. Preventing this noise from leaking to other sections of the building will make it a more pleasant, as well as safer, place for employees and managers to be.

    Production departments or facilities that contain heavy machinery, tooling or motorized activity usually have acoustical doors throughout the location to keep hazardous sound levels out of populated areas. A large manufacturing plant may use an acoustic door to establish privacy and protection for managers required to monitor productivity on the main floor. A newspaper will use acoustic doors and panels to dampen the sound of large printing presses while allowing a passageway for pressmen and technicians to maintain and operate the machinery.

    Logically, any facility where sound needs to be separated from people, places or things to ensure safety, privacy, or productivity and still provide a method of passage between two or more locations, will need a door of this type. A good look around our individual environments should help us notice with more clarity a number of uses for the acoustic door.

    Soundproof acoustic doors which commonly made from wood are an ideal cost-effective Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® solution because it does not need much coating but absorbs sound by its self moreover, they are suitable for a wide variety of applications in any room, office or hall.

    They are tested to ISO standards and achieve an average level of sound reductions up to 55dB.   according to durability and sound transmission loss, other requirements may also apply, such as fire resistance and high thermal insulation.

    Acoustic doors are designed to reduce the escape of noise and vibrations from one room to another. With a multitude of potential uses in a wide variety of industries and sectors, these doors are available in different decibel ratings to cater for the needs and requirements of individual circumstances.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® also have a selection of door accessories which help in improving sound quality too. Whether it’s for new construction or retrofit, we can help!

    Acoustics in public buildings

    Acoustics in public buildings

    Public buildings are any type of building that is accessible to the public and is funded from public sources. All types of government offices are considered public buildings. Public buildings generally serve the purpose of providing a service to the public. Many of these services are provided free to residents. This list includes public schools, libraries, courthouses and post offices. While it has so many crowds inside it, clearly it has an acoustic problem. Imagine students shouting, clients talking, and employees sounds.

    The improvement on the human quality of life and the continuous growth in population in developing and developed societies, have exacerbated the environmental and financial issues. Some of these problems are noise and the different types of human an industrial waste. Many natural products have been recently developed and tested for acoustic applications. Sound-absorbing materials absorb most of the sound energy striking them and reflect very little. Therefore, sound-absorbing materials have been found to be very useful for the control of room noise. In this article, sound absorption technology as an effective noise reduction technology building using sustainable acoustic absorbers, will be discussed. Many public housing sites are subject to severe noise impact from various sources.

    Let us focus on the most common public buildings and Acoustics in public buildings:


    Another type of public building is schools. Public schools exist in nearly every town. These schools are for grades kindergarten through 12th grade. As you know a big challenge will face this ambiance.


    Courthouses are a common public building. The public utilizes a courthouse for many different purposes. Clarify and quality of sound is preferable. Trials are held at courthouses, important documents are retrieved and most health departments are located within a courthouse.

    Post Offices

    A post office is a government-owned public building. The post office performs many different mail functions including receiving it, handling it and delivering it.


    They are an essential part of communities and offer many types of services. People visit libraries for many purposes including checking out books, magazines, publications, music, and movies. The public can also visit a library to access the Internet, make photocopies and to join different types of programs. These kinds of public buildings need much more quiet and relax, so acoustic treatments and solutions must be considered.

    These problems need an acoustical solution to reduce noise and increase the quality of sound reaching the human ears.

    To mention Sound Absorbing Materials which are used in acoustic panels Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey®:

    Porous materials obtained from synthetic fibers, such as mineral wool or glass wool, are commonly used for thermal insulation and sound absorption, because of their high performance and low cost. Their diffuse-field sound absorption coefficient is very high at midhigh frequencies. Viscous losses convert acoustic energy into heat as sound waves travel through the interconnected pores (or fibers) of the material. Because motion of the air through the porous material is necessary to dissipate acoustical energy, a material tends to be ineffective when placed close to a rigid boundary. Effectiveness of absorption is directly related to the thickness of the material; absorbers are most effective when their thickness is between one-fourth and one half the wavelength of the sound, with the maximum performance where the thickness is one-fourth the wavelength. This means that sound absorbers do a very good job at high frequencies, which have short wavelengths.

    A majority of sustainable materials for noise control can be divided into three main categories:

    – Natural materials;

    – recycled materials;

    – Mixed and composited materials.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® offers powerful solutions which can be used in Acoustics in public buildings at a reasonable cost in response to all the needs in the matter of soundproofing (preventive or curative) by the means of ergonomic equipment (standard or tailor made) for which the quality of design and of execution meets the highest level of requirement in this area for an efficient fight against noise in the context of compliance with legislation on noise at work (or of improvement of working conditions) or of compliance to the regulation in terms of acoustic comfort in buildings.


    Acoustic solution for airports

    No one can ignore or refuse the fact that airports have a very genuine noise pollution problem. When we focus so much on noise we awake about hearing impairment, noise-induced hearing loss, tinnitus, stress, increased risk of accidents, and so many physical and psychological health problems.  

    In addition to this, especially in airports, there is a need to quiet to be attention for calls and notes they broadcast.

    So that limiting exposure to loud noises (Acoustic solution for airports) is very important.

    Aircraft noise pollution is a harmful noise effect produced by any aircraft or its components during the various phases of a flight. Sound production is divided into three categories:

    • Mechanical noise—rotation of the engine parts, most noticeable when fan blades reach supersonic speeds.
    • Aerodynamic noise—from the airflow around the surfaces of the aircraft, especially when flying low at high speeds.
    • Noise from aircraft systems—cockpit and cabin pressurization and conditioning systems, and Auxiliary Power units.

    sound level near the airfields generated during noisy aircraft ground operations. In the vicinity of airports, noise is affected not only by landing and taking off of aircraft but also by noisy aircraft ground operations. The resultant sound level nearby airports is affected also by certain ground operations which are related to taxiing of an aircraft from stand or sleeve to the beginning of the runway, and after landing, from the runway to the stand. Noise levels emitted by those operations are very harmful to the ground crews.

    Acoustic solution for airports is to reduce the level of noise by using sound absorption panel.

    The function of absorptive materials is to transform impinging acoustic energy into heat. Because the energy contained in sound waves is normally very small, the quantity of heat generated is also small.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® can work on Acoustic solution for airports by Noise control or noise mitigation which is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the impact of that noise, whether outdoors or indoors.

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® has wide collection of options with variable usage, colours, and models.


    you can see our online catalogue:

    Acoustima® acoustic panel by Seatup Turkey® has been providing acoustic treatment to soundproofing, noise control, acoustical and vibration problems for over 23 years. Soundproof panels and acoustic materials, almost solving any noise problem including Acoustic solution for airports. Focusing on environmental and architectural acoustics, assuring cost-effective and reliable acoustic solutions for clients.